Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Being Bold!

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self‑discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV84)

The older I get the bolder I get. The vision most people have of Christians is either the Bible thumping, fire and brimstone christian or the meek, quiet passive version. Being a bold Christian is neither. Being bold means getting involved. It means taking the great commission  seriously. It doesn't mean forcing or intolerance. It means you are not afraid of setting an example with your life. It means drawing a line and never crossing it, no matter the consequences. The last thing in this scripture is just as important as the first. We must be bold with self-discipline. Having the power of Christ comes withit a great responsibility. If we want to be bold and treat others with disrespect or contempt, we are not following Christ. 

People are watching, our boldness could be a positive influence or it could turn someone off from the love of Christ. Be careful with your boldness. Be careful with your power. Be self disciplined as a follower. Do everything in love for the kingdom.

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