Saturday, July 30, 2011

Home Sick!

Psalm 137

 1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept 
   when we remembered Zion. 
2 There on the poplars 
   we hung our harps, 
3 for there our captors asked us for songs, 
   our tormentors demanded songs of joy; 
   they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

Have you ever been home sick? I really can't remember a time I was. When I was a kid, I spent my summers all over the place. I would spend weeks with my Aunt Anne at Tri-Lakes or at my Grandma and Grandpa Lewis' in Waupaca, Wisconsin. I would spend time at church camp or one of another multitude of activities. I can't ever remember being home sick. Is that bad?  Even now when Stephanie and I travel over the summer, we are away for at least 3 weeks. I can't say I have been home sick. I love being with my Grandkids and with my daughters. I DO miss them all the time. I love Garrett, the people, my friends, and my co-workers. I love the house God has blessed me with. But, to me, being away on an adventure is great. Knowing that all the people I love and my home will be there when I return is enough to let me enjoy where I am.

When the Jerusalem fell and the Israel was shipped off to a foreign land, they were home sick. They were so home sick they couldn't even make music. They missed the good ole days. They missed everything about Jerusalem. 

I am so blessed to have a great relationship with my Lord. I know their is a great Heavenly home waiting for me. Every once in a while I get home sick for Heaven. That might seem strange since I've never been there. But, the time I get to spend with God and the joy he brings me here on Earth is enough to tell me what I'm missing. The pain of "my captivity" on Earth will be gone.My joy will be complete. But,  until God decides to bring me home, I will enjoy the adventure here on Earth. Knowing Jesus is waiting for me there is enough that I can enjoy where I am. Thinking about what it will be like helps me get through the rough times. Nothing on Earth will last except the Love of my God. Praise God!


Rhoadzie said...

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Anonymous said...

That's funny about being homesick. On my trip to Tennessee and Georgia I was gone for 3 weeks and was homesick but I was homesick for Mike. I loved the way you presented being homesick for heaven. I do feel that way but know the Lord has more for me to do while here on earth. Thanks for sharing. Cathy