Friday, December 28, 2012

I'm "AMPED" up tonight!

If you love learning, you love the discipline that goes with it— how shortsighted to refuse correction! (Proverbs 12:1 MSG)

Getting back to school at GHS is still a week away, but my week off is over. I have to admit it wasn't easy to step way from "Temple Run", "CSR racing", and "Flow". But, today I began working on plans for next week and beyond. I get so excited about finding new resources and planning new lessons. This past year has really REfueled my passion for learning. It's almost embarasssing how much I love to explore. I'm so excited to find a new method or read an inspiring post about education or teaching.. As teachers, how can we expect our students to get excited about learning if we don't.
We can't keep doing the same old things and expect better results.

It's no different with our walk with Christ. When was the last time you shared a burning passion for God. Do you look at your devotion or prayer time as a duty to be performed or as an exciting exploration. Maybe your prayer life is nonexistent or filled with repitious religious speak instead of exciting conversation with your savior. I can't tell you how to refuel your passion. Although I can tell you that it's fun to explore. Why don't you explore a new bible study, pray in a different place, read a different Bible translation, or read a good Chritian Fiction book? Just do something to see the excitement of a life filled with Christ. Maybe you can even start writing a blog! There are limitless possibilities. Maybe the best is to ask God to ignite a new passion in you. I think you might be surprised what joy and thrill might lie ahead. A life of learning can be an amazing life. That includes all areas of your life, including your relationship and walk with Jesus! You can't expect a complete transformation unless you are willing to be transformed!

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