Thursday, November 16, 2017

No worries? Yeah right!

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It would be wrong to say I have everything I need. I have so much more than that. The Lord has provided.

So, why do I worry so much. I worry about everything. I take on the weight of the world, at times. I fret, I stew, and I mull over the future and the past. 


I really have no reason to worry. God provides everything I need and if I can keep this thought in the front of my mind, instead of worrying,  my entire life will be spent in peace. I really believe my life is hurt, intensely, by my worry and fret. Those thoughts keep me from following God's will. Those mental struggles keep me captive to my old ways and fearing new adventures. In my 57 years of life, God has provided everything I need and so much more. I have never gone without. I have always had an abundance. Most people I know have more than they need. I have NO reason to doubt he will take care of me.

Dear Lord, I am so thankful for your love. You truly have been my shepherd and have taken care of me in deep and powerful ways.  I have everything I need. Please forgive me for my worry. Forgive me that I act like you are not big enough to watch over me and my family. I re-dedicate my life to you and turn over complete control to you. I am humbled to serve you and want nothing more than to follow your will in my life Amen!

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