Monday, February 26, 2018

Someday I will understand, not now!

“Jesus replied, “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.””
‭‭John‬ ‭13:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Stephanie and I have attended two funerals in the last couple of weeks for people that have taken their own lives. I am in pain for the families and friends for these two young people. There is so much tragedy. The pain of those lost at Parkland is almost more than we can bear. All of us are in pain and I am sure we can say with certainty we just don’t understand. We are all beating ourselves thinking what we could have done. Was their some hint, was their something, an action or word we could have done or uttered to prevent this choice.

The older I get the more I add to the list of things I just don’t understand. When you believe that God is in control of all things it makes it even harder. I believe in the power of Jesus. I have personally witnessed the power in my own life. I know he has given us freewill and so our choices can have dire consequences. But, I still don’t understand the pain. I don’t understand how some are spared and others are not. Although I have had my own life turmoil, I have been spared the type of pain these families have been suffering. I am blessed and know I don’t deserve it. Grace has filled my life. Why me? I heard that was the same question Billy Graham asked about himself. The Lord chose him. Why him? Why me?

I continue to pray for these families. I pray the Lord will make himself evident in their lives. I pray that if anything good can come from these tragedies that it also be revealed to the friends and families suffering from the loss and those not having answers. Lord, I love you. I am humbled to be your servant. Use me Lord for your kingdom. Amen.

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