Monday, June 13, 2011

More advice!

Psalm 119

 9 How can a young person stay on the path of purity?
   By living according to your word. 

I'm not done giving advice. Many of our recent graduates will be flying the nest in the next several months. Many will be traveling a distance from home to be on their own for the very first time in their lives. The curfews will be gone. The quizzing from Mom and Dad will be over. They will set their own schedule. They will have more freedoms than they've ever experienced in life. The path of purity will be full of dangers. 

My advice is to live according to the word of the Lord. God has provided all of us a great manual. The Bible is just as relevant today as any time in history, maybe  more.  It is especially relevant to the young people leaving the nest. God's word will give guidance with those tough decisions. The more and more you read and study the word, the more relevant it becomes in your life. The more you open up the Bible, the more you will be aware of the Holy Spirit guiding your life. If anything is true in my life it is my increasing love of the message God has sent us in the Bible. Open it, Read it, Study it, let it become apart of your life. 

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