Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Pray for Miracles!

13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends
John 15:13

It is really the most amazing fact of my faith, Jesus, the SON of the most High God gave his life for ME! I can't help but ask WHY would he do this. I have done nothing to earn that kind of Love. I couldn't do anything the rest of my lifetime to pay back that kind of dedication. It makes me love the Lord more every day.

In our fast paced, CRAZY, society we don't take time to slow down and reflect on the gifts and blessings from the Lord. Obviously, the greatest of these is his love and sacrifice on the cross. But, there are so many other little things we also ignore. The Creator of the Universe is STILL performing miracles in this world. God has performed miracles in the life of my family right now.  So, we pray for miracles. We pray for things that happen in a way that can not be explained except through his love. Why don't you try it?  Devote your life to the Lord, pray for his miraculous power to show up in your life. It will happen. 

Praise God!

Dear Lord, I am amazed by your love. I LOVE you beyond anything I can possibly say on paper. That Love is deep in my heart. I pray today for miracles in my family. I pray for miracles in my community. Show your powerful hand in our lives. Fill us with your spirit. Give us your wisdom, give us your mercy, give us your grace. Help us to be your hands and feet in this crazy mixed up world.AMEN!

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