Sunday, July 5, 2020


THE PLAN - PART VII -  I love the Grand Canyon!

The day after the collapse of the tent, we took a trip to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. There is a lot of debate North Rim vs South Rim.  They are both very different and very much the same. I love the North Rim because of the remoteness and the smaller crowds. You get much of the greatness of the Grand Canyon from here. I think my favorite is Mathers Point, but we also love the Lodge and eating dinner overlooking the canyon.  But, on this trip we also had planned a MULE RIDE into the Canyon.  IT WAS ANOTHER EPIC HIGHLIGHT.

We went to Mather Point. My lovely granddaughter and her friend loved the trip. We might or might not have gone off the trail to take some beautiful pictures. (Today, I heard of lady that fell to her death going off the trail in this exact same point. YIKES!) We also had a wonderful dinner over looking the Canyon. It truly was another great day. Here are some of our pictures. BUT THE MULE TRIP WAS ONE FOR THE AGES!

THE DAY WASN'T ALL PARADISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I really don't understand PHOBIAS.  I am fascinated by snakes. I am apprehensive at Heights but really love the adventure. I don't fear spiders, I am MAYBE a little claustrophobic, but I can overcome it by stepping back, slowing my breathing, and concentrate on relaxing. Well, my wife was really against our MULE RIDE into the canyon. I convinced her she would be fine and she really relented pretty easily. However, as this part of our trip drew closer and we were actually there, her anxiety level went through the roof. With a lot of pressure on my part, she came with us. 

Let me stop and say. I truly love my wife. She is an amazing lady with more compassion for her family and others than any other person I know. As I look back now, I admit I did not understand her fear. I do now. 

The guide and owner of the tour was awesome and they really do a lot of work matching up riders and mules. However, they certainly made a mistake matching up Stephanie with her mule. Her mule was a "Rim-rider".  With Stephanie's fear of heights, this match was a disaster. Let me explain.  A Rim-Rider, loves to walk right on the edge of the trail, at the rim, so they can clearly see the trail. When you ride on the RIM, you are also riding on the precipice with a mass drop just a few inches away.  I think this picture really sums up what my wife thought about me before, during, and after this trip.

My wife is always filled with the Love of the Lord. I rarely EVER hear her utter words of hate towards anyone. THIS MIGHT HAVE BEEN ONE OF THE FEW EXCEPTIONS.  At this point in her life, SHE HAD HATE IN HER HEART TOWARD HER HUSBAND!

While the girls and I were having the adventure of our lives, Stephanie was a bundle full of fear and anxiety. We really had no idea the depth of her fear. While we all survived this trip with no issues, and the North Rim trip was amazing. I am so sorry, I forced my wife to take this step and am also so PROUD she did do this FOR US. That was more of a sacrifice FOR US than I really knew before we left the CORAL. 

Because of my lack of PHOBIAS, I really did not understand my wife's fear. 

How typical is that?  I recently told someone I envied their testimony. They had come from many years in Prison, drug use, and broken lives. How dumb am I?  I really did not understand the constant battle they face with their past. I also do not understand the constant battle, draw, of that lifestyle. This person recently took a step back in their faith. I trust the Lord will not abandon them. I. trust this person's faith walk might be interrupted, but his faithful, Heavenly Father will not give up on him.  But, what a DUMB thoughtless thing to say. I PRAISE the Lord for his protection throughout my life. I praise him for putting people in a life that makes faith seem so easy. I praise the Lord for those that have prayed for me since the very beginning of my life. I can tell you, growing up in a FAITH-FILLED family has eternal consequences. When we look at the world, we don't see it the same way as those that did NOT live life with the LORD. I PRAISE THE LORD for a peace that only comes through the Lord. I need to show more compassion for those brothers and sisters that have turned their lives to the Lord but STILL face the attacks of satan. They need my love, they need my ear, and they need my constant prayer. I know those that don't have that peace, need me to help them realize that peace IS POSSIBLE through the LORD.

Dear Lord, please give me compassion for the lost. Help me understand their lives. Help me not to trivialize the battles they fight. Help me to listen and not make the solutions seem so simple. They face real life issues I know nothing of. Help me to realize how you have protected me from the enemy. Help me to NOT take for granted your complete control of my life. I love you Lord and pray for ALL to know you like I do. I pray your peace to my dear friend and hope and pray he can defeat the enemies in his life with your power and your strength. Amen!



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