Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Short Cuts!

Part VI - The Plan - Short Cuts

So, for those who are just getting caught up on my recent posts, I am reliving last years EPIC TRIP out west with our Granddaughter and her friend.  We left Yosemite/Sequoia and were heading to the Grand Canyon. Compared to all of our other DRIVES, this one was pretty uneventful. BUT, I do want to note that as we drove across California and headed to the Hoover Damn we just missed being in an Earthquake!  We didn't even realize it until later.

We stopped at the DAMN as we headed to Zion National Park and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. We had really gotten into a routine after the Chaos of the trip to California. The drive was beautiful and it was REALLY HOT, as expected in the west during the middle of summer. The campground we were scheduled was run by the Kaibab Paiute Indian Tribe.  We arrived and really loved this campground. The grass was beautiful green and the facilities were awesome even though we were definitely in a remote area of Arizona. 

We got a good nights sleep and then headed for a day at Zion National Park. I really love this park and it's beauty. It really was a great day.

So, late in the afternoon we headed back to the campground. We had some light rain and the wind was definitely picking up. We arrived back at the campground and thought the campsite looked fine until we looked closer. It was definitely windy and then we noticed the tent was destroyed. One of the fiberglass poles was snapped and the tent was zipped up. (We had left it open when we left.). Our tent was destroyed, our canopy was destroyed and I have to admit, I was devastated. Here we were in the middle of nowhere and once again we had another crisis. I have to admit I was about to the end of my rope. But, really, we didn't have time to whine, even though my mood was terrible. Hannah and Kallie were not even phased. They made quite an adventure taking the tents to the dumpster. They had a blast. 

So, we had to find a place to stay. With poor internet service, we finally found some cabins to stay the night in Kanab, UT.  The ratings were not good, but they were really the only ones with any openings. So, we gathered our stuff and headed to Red Rock Cabins in Kanab. We got to the "Campground" and were amazed. THIS PLACE WAS AWESOME. The cabin was better than a hotel room and the owner even upgraded us for free to a DOUBLE KING BED cabin. God was watching over us again. 

As I lay in bed that night, I was doing some research on tents and realized in my haste to purchase our NOW DESTROYED TENT, I did not check the reviews. IT was kind of ironic. The reviews specifically said this tent didn't hold up even in a mild wind. One of the reviewers even tested at the Grand Canyon and their result was the same as ours. Usually I am a great researcher. I go WAY overboard when deciding to purchase something. In my haste, I bypassed my usual nerdiness. I went to Walmart, bought what looked good and went on my merry way. Taking that short cut cost us a tent and me some more gray hair. In all reality it was my fault. Yet, it landed us a great place to stay for two nights while we toured the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Thank you Lord!

The next morning our trip didn't skip a beat. We were headed to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. 

How many times do I try to take short-cuts in life? How many times do I try to skip consulting GOD through prayer and just go with my gut feelings?  How many times does my own judgment get me into trouble?  I think you know the answer.  God's timing is perfect and his plan is perfect. We/I need to consult him on everything. Just like I really need to research and verify the quality of my purchases, I need to consult the Lord on my life and the direction I take. Many people just don't have the patience to pray. They don't like to take the time waiting on an answer. They can't wait on the Lord. 

God has a great plan for our lives and even when we go out on our own and mess up, he fixes things. Yes, there will always be consequences to our decisions, but to those that really LOVE the Lord, he will protect you, even if it is from yourselves.

Next, our North Rim Adventure and a moment my WIFE will never forget!

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