Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Turning the Light Switch ON!

 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17 NIV84) 

Do you realize how limited we are as teachers? We like to think we can motivate kids to learn. We want to take kids that don't care and make them care. This is noble and really is a worthwhile goal. How realistic is it? Do we have it within ourselves to save a student?

No, not really! At least it's not COMPLETELY up to us. We can plant seeds, we can try many different methods, and we can be persistent. But, we can't force a kid to learn when he/she doesn't want to. The desire to learn has to come from within. Once that desire is present, THEN great things can happen. I have seen students where the "Light" switched ON and they just took off. You couldn't hold them back, even if you wanted to. That switch exists within each of us. The power is always available, but the switch has to  be flipped to ON.

The Spirit of the Lord is the same way. We have to switch the light to ON in order o access the power of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we are like teachers. There is only so much we can do. We can live by example, we can be there to comfort in loss, to support during difficult times, and love unconditionally. When it comes down to it, each person has to turn that switch on for themselves. Once we do and we allow the POWER of the Spirit to live within us, magnificent things will happen. We will no longer be slaves to sin, but we will be free. That Freedom is not like anything else you can experience.

YOU have to turn the switch ON!

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