Friday, March 11, 2022

Why is my path so crooked?


    Hello!  Stephanie and I have some news about our ministry and plans to go to the Missionary field in Germany.

    We have faced many barriers over the past few months. The first is our family's growing unhappiness with us going overseas. One of my daughters has been very vocal about us NOT going and today my 84-year-old mom also expressed concern. But our largest barrier has been health insurance. We have really struggled to try to find a company to underwrite our health insurance in Europe. We finally got a company to give us a quote, the cost was unbelievable AND we would have to keep our insurance here in the United States which is also pretty expensive. Missionary Ventures has been wonderful and they have also worked to find us something. During the past month, we have really been asking God for his guidance. Our prayer has been, “Lord if this is not what you want us to do, show us what you do want us to do.” God has been so faithful. Please read the entire post, I know it is long. I hope you will see how wonderful our God is through his miraculous answer to our prayer.

Stephanie and I are NOT going to Germany to serve as full-time missionaries.


    In some ways, it pains me to write that. Over the past year, I feel Stephanie and I have gone from one ministry opportunity to another. I am considering writing a book called "God: Why is my path so crooked?" It seems we have been going from one thing to another quite often in recent months. But, God has his plans, and he has us right where he wants us.


    As I was studying the life of Joseph and Mary, I am sure they shared the same feelings about the path God had them on. Their wonderful plans of getting married, having a family, and living out their life like everyone else, was disrupted with an amazing visit from the Angel of the Lord.(Matt. 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38) Turmoil and uncertainty entered their life. But, they were faithful and obeyed. Jesus was born, and once again, turmoil entered their life. Herod was going to kill their child. The Lord sent another Angel, and their zigzagging path sent them to Egypt.(Matt. 2:13). I am sure they felt like they just got settled when another Angel of the Lord came to them and sent them back to Judea.(Matt. 2:19) Then when they got there, another Angel of the Lord came and sent them to Nazareth. (Matt. 2:22) We often assume they knew precisely the plans God had for them and their wandering around the middle east. Yet, there is no indication they had any idea how crooked that path would be. Through it all, they were obedient.

    In November this year, I went on a missionary trip to Greece with Missionary Ventures and CMA. On my way home, Arlen, with MVI, asked if Stephanie and I ever considered being missionaries. I said no and continued on my way home. On the long flight from Greece, I read the book Contagious Disciples Making by Daryl and Paul Watson. I have never been so touched by a book (except the Bible, of course). It explained, in great detail, what God had placed on my heart before we retired. When I got home and shared Arlen's question with Stephanie, she said yes, she thought she would be interested in missionary work. That was such a shock to me. But, I felt God had his hand in this, so we started talking about it with our family, friends, and CMA co-leaders.


           Each of you knows the rest of that story.

    Since Christmas, Stephanie and I have faced one obstacle after another. Our daughter expressed strong resistance to our taking a missionary position in Europe. We listened and prayed continually about this change of heart. However, the greatest obstacle was with Health Insurance. With my diabetes, no insurance company would underwrite a policy for us in Europe. Finally, we got a company to make a proposal. It was just too much money, and even if we raised funds, it just wouldn't seem right. None of that money would go to ministry. So, the past couple of months, we have been in constant prayer, asking if God was closing this door, that he would open up another door.


On February 16th, I had a dream that was so vivid; it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. In this dream, God took me to an old downtown storefront property with an apartment above the store. I went inside, looked around, and came back out. I recognized precisely where this property was. It was in Bluffton, Indiana. When I woke up, I didn’t share the dream with Stephanie. I really didn't know what to think, and after all the changes we had been through in the past three years, I just wanted to make sure I understood the dream before talking to her.


    Stephanie and I planned on coming home to attend our grandson's senior night basketball game on February 22nd.  On the morning after I had the dream, I vowed to go look for the storefront building. I wasn’t really sure what would happen if it was there. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t be. So, when we came back to Indiana, I went by myself to Bluffton. I had some other errands to run and planned to search for this downtown building. When I came around the corner, to the place where I thought it would be, I pulled into a parking spot in front of the building. A "For Rent" sign was in the window. I sat there dumbfounded. I was so shocked I couldn't even think straight. Before I knew it, I was dialing the phone number. A gentleman answered the phone. After we identified he was the owner of this property, I asked if an upstairs apartment was available with the building. He hesitated and then said, "Yes." Again, I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. He asked if I wanted to see the property. I told him I was on a tight schedule and couldn't wait long. That's when he said he had a man there, right now, that could let me in. So, I went in.

    To tell you I was overwhelmed is an understatement. As I walked through the bottom "retail" area and then upstairs in the apartment, I just couldn't believe it. It was exactly as I saw in my dream. The owner had gutted and redone the downstairs, and he was in the process of doing the same to the upstairs apartment. When I got back in my car, I just sat there. I talked to the owner and told him I would get back to him, and I just sat there trying to wrap my mind around what had happened.  God sent me a clear vision and it was real!


    For the next three days, I kept this encounter a secret. I had to process what had just happened, and I prayed for guidance from the Lord. On our way home to Florida, I finally told Stephanie. In a fit of defiance, I said I would not change our plans for going to Germany unless I got a definite from the Lord saying it was not going to happen. So, we waited. A few days later, as I was on my daily walk, listening to the end of the book of Job, I heard God chastising Job for questioning him and asking, "Who is it that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words?" (Job 38:1) The Lord said, "Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God's critic, but do you have the answers?" (Job 40:1-2) I felt God asking me, what more do you need? I just sent you a miraculous sign, and you are waiting for more? Who are you to question me?" 

    As I got back to the camper, I told Stephanie we were moving forward on renting the building. I called the building owner. Stephanie and I agreed to what we could afford to pay. The owner gave us a price way below what we could afford. We decided to rent the space. I wrote a letter to our daughters telling them of the change of plans. Yesterday, I went and spoke to Arlen at MVI. We are not going to Germany.


    Since committing to God's plan, God has been flooding my mind with ideas. I am writing them down as quickly as I can. We are overwhelmed with excitement and grief at not going to Germany. Yet, I am also filled with pure joy to see such a powerful display of God's majesty. God is amazing.


So, what's next?


Stephanie and I will be returning to Indiana on April 15th. We will begin moving in immediately if all the remodeling is done.


God’s plan is for us to create a place, where we will train disciples to make disciples. This place will be a place of learning, fellowship, sharing meals, and prayer. In this place, we will teach Christians to lead Discovery Bible Groups. The mission is to create these groups around northeast Indiana. Our target for these groups is NOT believers. Our prayer is to start them in jails, drug rehab centers, homeless shelters, motorcycle shops, diners, cafes, parks,  and other public places, NOT CHURCHES. The Bible Study groups are very different than the typical Bible study groups. DISCOVERY groups are not led by someone who shares their knowledge of the Bible. The leaders of these groups help members discover the voice of God through scripture.


As we get back to Indiana, we would love to share more about what God has placed on our hearts. Really, it is exactly what we were going to be doing in Germany. We have just changed our location. Since we already have relationships and connections in northeast Indiana, we are praying this will speed the spread of the gospel. If you are interested in Disciple Making movements, please order and read the book Contagious Disciple Making by Daryl and Paul Watson.


Otherwise, please feel free to contact us. We would love to share more about what God is doing in our lives.

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