Monday, July 25, 2022

Israel 2022 - Reflection #23 - The Shepherds Fields

While we were taking communion at the Church of the Good Samaritan, I glanced to my right and saw on the hillside a flock of sheep being shepherded by some modern-day shepherds. I wanted to take a picture, but did not want to interrupt the communion service. So, I have no picture, BUT there are modern-day shepherds, nomads, still within the lands of Israel. The picture above is known as the Shepherds Fields and it is here where the Shepherds of the Christmas story would have been watching over their flocks on that wonderful night. 

The shepherds were here in these "farmer's fields,"  because each year after the harvest, probably in September, the farmers would allow the shepherds to bring their flocks to glean the fields of the rest of the grain fallen from the harvest. So, the time was probably September and NOT December, sorry! 

From the beginning of time with Cain and Abel two types of occupations dominated in Israel, farmers, and shepherds.  The lifestyles were different and the intermingling of the two cultures was very limited. Abraham was a nomad, yet he planted a tree and dug a well, a sign of permanency. 

It's somewhat ironic that lowly shepherds, people that slept and lived among their animals received such prominence in the culture of the middle east. Kings called themselves "shepherds of the people" in their kingdom and their life goal was to be "good shepherds." The metaphor of the wise or good shepherd is found throughout the Bible. In John 10:11, Jesus calls himself a good shepherd.

I have a list of 29 favorite Bible Verses, one of those is 1 Peter 5:2-9 ---

'Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it
willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but
because you are eager to serve God. Don’t lord it over the
people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good
example. And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will
receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor. (1Peter 5:2-4,NLT)

Yesterday, the message shared by our middle school pastor also mentioned this verse. He gave a wonderful message about humility vs pride "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the faithful."
A shepherd is definitely a humble servant. What flock has God entrusted to you? Your family? Work? Church? Are we watching over the flock willingly, or grudgingly? 

Just like the shepherds, we are to lead with humility and a willingness to serve. Pastor Hales gave a list of rules they use with middle school kids when they go on a mission trip. It is amazing how applicable they are for all of us as leaders of our own flocks:

Love God
Love People
Don't do dumb things
Don't die
Thou shalt get over thyself

I admit I had to chuckle over the last two! As a Shepherd, you should lead your flock with these five things in mind. How am I leading my flock?  Do I outwardly demonstrate my love of God, my Love for ALL people? How many times do I do DUMB things because I follow my own plans?  Am I living in a way that is reckless and not honoring to God, leading others to sin and eternal death? and my worst failure, Am I focusing more on myself than on my flock?

Thank you, Lord for the gift of my Flock. I am so honored that you have entrusted them to me. Please Lord, help me serve in humility like the Shepherds. Help my to live a life honoring to you and drawing others closer to a relationship with you. Amen!

I loved these two videos of us singing in this Fransiscan Chapel built in 1953.

Some of the beautiful paintings from the Chapel.

Caves found near the Shepherd's fields. They were a great respite from the heat of the day. 

The skyline of Bethlehem with the Israeli settlements in the West Bank along with some of the Palestinian Apartments in the Foreground.

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