Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Supernatural Resources

Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home. (Luke 16:9 NLT)

It vacation planning time for me. I have mentioned before how I use this activity to make use of my time during the "no ride" season. So I'm in the midst of planning our summer. We are going to be gone a lot. We are planning two trips. First, We are planning for our first Grandkids summer vacation road trip. We are taking them out west. I am so excited. Second I am planning a shorter trip for Stephanie and I and VIC. 

I really consider these trips so valuable for many reasons. First they are a spiritual renewal for us. After the go, go, go of the school year, Stephanie and I need time to renew ourselves. We draw closer to each other and God because the hustle and bustle is left behind. We also have time to meet new people and many times make faithful connections with strangers. This year we are also looking forward to bonding with three of our grandkids. That will also be a time of renewal and spiritual growth for all of us. Using my resources for his purposes! It is great to be able to use your passions and resources for his purposes. 

This verse made me think about using my resources for the kingdom. I need to do that more and more. I need to dedicate all my resources to the throne of God. I'm not going to be able to take it with me so I better use all I have to build relationships that will last in eternity. My free time is not necessarily free. Vacation time, work time, play time ,and private time are all time that can be used for God. God needs to be in the center of ALL things, work, play, and rest! Praise God for his involvement in my life. Praise God for the opportunities he has given me to build eternal relationships.

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