Friday, January 23, 2015

Mountain views disappear

For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,” says the LORD, who has mercy on you. (Isaiah 54:10 NLT)

I love flying. I'm heading back home tomorrow after spending the week at a conference in Orlando. So we jump on a flight to Chicago, then to Fort Wayne. I always think it's fascinating how everything looks so flat from the air, you still get a sense of some "bumps" but it looks like the mountains and hills disappear. Obviously that's not true. From the ground the mountains and hills seem so solid and permanent. Gods love is even more solid.

Regardless what we think of ourselves or what others think of us, The way God thinks about us never changes. His love endures forever. I can't change it regardless how stupid I am. So, why am I so hard on myself? Why do I spend so much time blogging or thinking how bad I am. If God says I'm alright, then why do I choose to argue with him. I guess part of the reason is how amazing his grace really is. I'm awed that he can love me eveninmy worst times. So when I talk aBout my weaknesses and the sin in my life it's because I know what a sacrifice has been made for me. Another reason I talk about those sins and failures. I don't want people to feel I'm perfect. Most people that know me know that's not true. But, the people that only know me a little might think because I am a follower of Christ, I think I'm perfect. That also is along way from the truth. I want to be real and genuine. But, when it comes to the end of the road, I know I am forgiven and completely loved by the creator of the universe. It has never been anything less than complete love. 

Lord, thank you for your wonderful, unwavering love. I need to take your lead and love myself AND others the same way. You are my rock and my redeemer. I praise you for giving me a life full of love and blessings. I know you don't love me because of anything, you just love me! 

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