Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's real!

Love never stops being patient, never stops believing, never stops hoping, never gives up. (1 Corinthians 13:7 GW)

I just got back from traveling again. My lovely wife mentioned I have been away from her more this year than ever before in our marriage. I took a motorcycle trip around the Great Lakes by myself. I had a trip to Palm Springs by myself and now this trip to Orlando. I don't like being away. Stephanie is very understanding and patient. As a matter of fact she has always been there for me, always believing in me, always hoping the best for me, and never giving up on me. She does exactly what God wants us to do for each other. Her love is REAL!

This very famous verse from the love chapter is not just a description of God's love, it's the   standard for our relationships also. It's great for marriages, but it's also for all our relationships at work, school, and at home. It's also the most important missing link in most relationships and its absence is a great barrier to the lost. For that reason, as a Christian, I need to fullfill these needs with those that don't know Jesus. Can you imagine what would happen if we did this with EVERYONE we meet? The world is missing this abundantly positive attitude toward others. We must modify our lives to live this verse. We can't serve God without truly loving others. This is the definition of that love.

Lord, thank you for being patient, believing in me, providing hope in my life, and never giving up on me. I am humbled by your amazing love. I am blessed with an amazing wife and seeing real love through her. Please help me focus on sharing your perfect love with the ones who are close to me and the lost. I praise you and love you! Amen!

(The thoughts are my own, but they were inspired by Daily Hope with Rick Warren, "Love others the way God loves you", January 23, 2015)

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