Sunday, January 18, 2015

I respectfully disagree!

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. (1 Peter 4:8-10 NIV)

First I need to say I love my church. I love my pastor and feel my church is truly doing the work of the Lord. I also don't want to discount the need for people to serve specifically in the church. All churches rely on volunteers who love the Lord to offer services every week. You need teachers, greeters, choir members, and various other positions must be filled in order to "produce" a Sunday morning worship. 

Today the sermon was about service. God certainly calls us to serve as you can see from these verses. But, my pastor tied this verse specifically with serving the church. 

I respectfully disagree. 

I believe not all of us are called to serve AT the church in Sunday Morning worship and I don't think these verses call us to do that. For the past 6 years, Stephanie and I have been serving in the Christian Motorcyclist Association. It is our calling. It is our ministry. Before that we served at church in the choir. Before that we have served as youth leaders, adult Sunday school leaders, and children Sunday school teacher. We also felt called to fill those service positions at the time. But, now I am called to serve bikers, outside the walls of the church. This calling takes us away from the church we love. It keeps us from committing to service at Church on Sunday morning every week, but my service to these lost men and women rivals any service I could perform at church on Sunday morning. 

God calls us to serve. He calls each of us to unique ministry. Some will serve in a congregation. Some will serve outside the walls of the church. The most important thing is to serve where the spirit leads. It is important to listen to the spirit and use the gifts and passions God has given. I agree 100% with our opening video today at church. Most christians sit on the sidelines as a spectator in the kingdom. We are called to action, to serve, and not passively serve our mighty God. Speak to Jesus. Search your heart. Find your passion and serve the Lord.

I am thankful for the people that do serve the Lord at our church. We are truly blessed with a great community of believers. Praise God as his mighty hand guides our ministry.

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