Thursday, September 29, 2022

Forgotten Books of the Bible - Hosea - 9 - Love your Pastor!


This is one of the priests at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. While we were waiting to visit the place of Jesus' birth it was great to watch the priests interact with the crowd. They took seriously their jobs, but I could also tell they had the joy of Jesus. 

As I was reading Hosea 9 today, the verses about the prophets made me think about the pastors I have had in my life. 

'The time of Israel’s punishment has come;
the day of payment is here. Soon Israel will
know this all too well. Because of your great
sin and hostility, you say, “The prophets are
crazy and the inspired men are fools!” The
prophet is a watchman over Israel for my
God, yet traps are laid for him wherever he
goes. He faces hostility even in the house of
God. ' Hosea 9:7-8.

I have had so many wonderful pastors in my life. Certainly, my dad and my grandfather is at the top of that list. But, there have been many others. One thing I have learned over the past two years at Indiana Wesleyan Seminary, pastors face so many difficult challenges. These challenges have been magnified by COVID. 

Please pray for these men and women. They are watchmen over their community of believers. The enemy has laid traps to trip them up. They have faced hostility from outside the church. The saddest challenge comes when that hostility comes from within the church. 

Please pray for your leaders.  Paul had a great statement  for these wonderful servants:

'Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who
are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They
work hard among you and give you spiritual
guidance. Show them great respect and
wholehearted love because of their work.
And live peacefully with each other. '
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

And as I was writing this blog, I received my official Ministerial License in the mail. I am licensed while I pursue official ordination. Please Lord, guide me and direct my path in your service!

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