Friday, September 16, 2022

Forgotten Books of the Bible - Ezra 9 - The Vicious Cycle


'I prayed, “O my God, I am utterly ashamed;
I blush to lift up my face to you. For our sins
are piled higher than our heads, and our guilt
has reached to the heavens. From the days of
our ancestors until now, we have been steeped
in sin. That is why we and our kings and our
priests have been at the mercy of the pagan
kings of the land. We have been killed, captured,
robbed, and disgraced, just as we are today.
Ezra 9:6-7.

It is not easy to identify Christians in our communities. They look, act, and talk like all the rest of the people in our country. Ezra found out his people continued to accept and actively participate in the pagan culture surrounding them. 

'When I heard this, I tore my cloak and my shirt, pulled hair from my head and beard, and
sat down utterly shocked. 'Ezra 9:3

The vicious cycle of sin continued.

He then prayed!

How ashamed am I of my actions? Do I blush when God sees how I live a life of sin? Our sins are
are higher than the heavens. The only way out is through Jesus and exactly what he did for us on
the cross. The good news? Jesus has no limit in his forgiveness. He doesn't ever say, this is your
last chance. His grace and his mercy are forever. All we have to do is come to him.

Heavenly Father, forgive me for how I repeatedly sin, living a life that looks exactly like the world.
Please give me strength to stay focused on you, to fight accepting sin as being normal. Help me to
fight the urge to conform instead of being transformed. I cannot do it on my own. Lord we need you
every moment of every day. Help us the break the vicious cycle! Amen!

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