Friday, September 23, 2022

Forgotten Books of the Bible - Hosea 5 - NOTHING!


"Your deeds won't let you return to your God." Hosea 5:4

There is nothing you can do to separate yourself from the Love of God. That message was clear by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans. (Rom. 8:31-39) But, so many people act like there is an exception to this rule, "but I have done......" 

God is waiting for your to finally realize NOTHING can separate you from the love of God. 

As I read Hosea, I hear the heart of this prophet as he is overwhelmed with his nation's rejection of God. The suffering is real. I truly believe most of people get to the point, when things get bad enough, they realize their need for God. It is at this critical point where the followers of Jesus need to be ready to share the message of Romans 8. Because when someone hits rock bottom they have two choices. They can give up or they can turn to God. 

Listen to what God told Hosea at the end of Chapter 5:

"Then I will return to my place until they admit their guilt and turn to me. For as soon as trouble comes, they will earnestly search for me."(Hos. 5:15)

We are called to love people like Jesus. Our mission is no different than John the Baptist or Jesus. When people get to the point they cannot take another step forward, we need to share that all they need to do is admit their guilt and turn to God. And when Satan tells them their sins are too great, we need to be there and assure them NOTHING CAN SEPARATE THEM FROM THE LOVE OF GOD!


Do you need someone to come alongside you and help you turn to God?  Please contact me, I will help. GOD LOVES YOU and SO DO I!

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