Wednesday, September 26, 2018

I have seen it!

19 Remember the great terrors the Lord your God sent against them. You saw it all with your own eyes! And remember the miraculous signs and wonders, and the strong hand and powerful arm with which he brought you out of Egypt. The Lord your God will use this same power against all the people you fear.
Deuteronomy 7:19

God is amazing! He has brought me through the muck and the mire of 58 years of life with Joy and Love. I can look back and see his powerful hand and rejoice in what he has done in my life. I have seen him heal physically impossible situations. I have seen him deliver my family out of financial ruin. I have seen him heal relationships with friends and family. Forget all the great examples in the Bible. (I don't really mean forget them). I have examples in my life, today, right here, and right now, that match the wonderful miracles written in the word of God. He has used his power in my life. Yes, I rely on those miracles. I anxiously await those miracles and his power to be revealed. I HAVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES and I am confident I will see it again. 

Dear Lord, I love you so much and can not say enough how awed I am about your love for me. I am so amazed at your work in my life. I am so amazed the path my life has taken and I know YOU have been the reason I have skirted calamity. You are the reason for the joy in my life. You are the reason I have an amazing family and YOU are the reason I can look forward to eternity in Heaven. I praise you for all things. I praise you for my life and I dedicate my life to sharing your message and all you have done for this hopeless sinner! Amen!

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