Friday, September 21, 2018

I disagree with you. I don't hate you!

'“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me.
Remain in my love. ' John 15:9

It sad to see the amount of hate in this world and particularly in our country. We have
to get past the differences we have in our opinions, our politics, our beliefs, and our
life styles. If I disagree with your stance on Climate Change, doesn't mean I hate you
or this planet. If I believe in a marriage between a man and a woman, does not mean I
hate gays. If I support Donald Trump, I do not hate immigrants. If I yell and support my
child at an athletic event, doesn't mean I want YOUR child to fail.


God does not have a list of conditions before he will love us. He loves us unconditionally.
THAT is how we are to love each other. Jesus loved even the most despised of the
Jewish Society. I don't have to "hangout" with you to love you. I don't have to endorse
your lifestyle to love you. I have friends that are extremely liberal politically and sadly
I have lost friends who are extremely liberal because of our differences. It saddens me
that we put such restrictions on our love.

Dear Lord, Help me to love ALL my fellow man. Help me to show YOUR love to everyone
I meet. Help me to serve those I disagree with and who live life differently than I do. The
only real hope for this world is through YOU AND YOUR LOVE. If I can not love the
imperfect people of this world, how can I expect YOU to love this sinner. Forgive me for
how I treat others. Help me to forgive those that hurt and offend me. I need you Lord. I
need your perfect grace to fill my life. Amen!

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