Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I'm happy!

Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. (Psalm 21:6 NIV)

Are you happy with your life?

I am. As a matter of public record, I'm not sure I could be any happier than I am right now. I have so much to be thankful for. Not stuff, more than just things, I have a loving God in my life that has and is watching over my every step. I have no fear of failure. I have no thought of sadness in my life. It's all because of God, my creator, my father, and the rock of my salvation. 

I am amazed at the growing dispair in this world and cynical attitudes that fill our society. People can't look past the moment to look for real joy. The plank in our eyes is abusing us. The splinters prevent us from seeing the world through the loving eyes of God. As Christians we often have the same glib view of our lives. 

I still have bouts of stress, I have moments of anger and pain. But, I find with the loving God I serve, they are brief. I find the more I rely on God, the brighter my outlook, the greater my joy. Praise God for his wonderful love and the life he grants all of us!

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