Friday, February 7, 2014


My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. (John 15:12 NIV)

Love each other. It sounds so simple and it really is. Jesus demonstrated over and over again true love. He did not discriminate and really worked hard to show love to the unloveable. Can you think of examples where your Christian brothers and sisters did not show love. I sure can and I'm including myself in those things.

Case in point: There is big controversy over the Coca Cola Super Bowl commercial where America is sung in various languages.  Some people were greatly offended, I was not. Some people have a real hatred for immigrants. We don't show much love. Do Christians show love to homosexuals? I can't think of many who have. Do we put our love into action to support all people equally? No, I wish we did. We still have some who hate blacks, Hispanics, or American Indians. All of people need the love of good Christians. Our love is not to be conditional. People shouldn't have to change before we love them. I am glad that is not how Jesus loves. He doesn't care who or what we are. He doesn't say he will love us IF. He just loves us, ALL OF US!

I am no different than most Christians. I struggle with loving everyone like Jesus did. In order for us to change, we need to experience the daily love of Jesus. The more we build our relationship with Christ the more we experience that love. It becomes easier to share the love we experience. The world will be a better place if we ALL share more love.

Thank you Lord for showing me the real way to love. I truly need your help to love those that I really don't want to love. Guide my words and my actions so that it will accurately represent the love you have for me. My witness to the lost depends on that unconditional love. Lord I praise you for this day and every day I have an opportunity to live for you. Amen!

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