Friday, December 13, 2013


Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. (Matthew 24:35 NIV)

I love words. I'm a Math teacher, but the way people communicate can be quite fascinating. Lately, through school, I have been helping grade writing assignments. It has been challenging and rewarding at the same time. I have always loved books and have read continuously throughout my life. No book compares to the Bible. No words compare to those words inspired by the creator of the universe, written through his spirit in man.

The Bible is such an awesome book in my life. The word of God, on paper, for me. It is a guide, a resource, a direction for me to follow. It has endured the tests of time and the scrutiny of millions. It is unfallible, perfect, and sacred. I love studying it and serving through its message. I am always awestruck by its relevance right now. It's not a pie-in-the-sky feeling, it's real! The critiques have tried for thousands of years to tear down its value. Faith and experience have demonstrated to me PERSONALLY their folly.

Thank you Lord for your love. Thank you for your word and it's life giving guidance. Please Lord keep my eyes and my heart open to my daily Bible Study. Reveal to me how to make those words a part of my life not just print on a page. Praise God for the truths you have written in this wonderful book.

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