Thursday, December 26, 2013


As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— (1 Peter 2:4 NIV)

I read a quote today from Billy Graham, "Aethists and Agnostics find fault with Christians but not with Christ." Christ came to this earth over 2,000 years ago. He was rejected by man. Now those who do not follow Christ reject him because of us. Our sinfulness gets in the way of so many people accepting Christ. Until, they realize we all come from the same broken place, they can't understand the true saving grace of Christ. Until we as Christians stop judging and  making ourselves superior to those that are not followers, the world will never change.

We need to be more about loving people than hating sin. I am so saddened by our focus. I am also saddened by our putting one sin above another. We are all sinners and equally sinful to our perfect father. We are also ALL precious to him. So much so that he gave his son to death on the cross that we might spend eternity with him.

Praise Hod for his patience with us and our sinfulness. Lord, help us reach others. Help them to feel your love through us. May we be filled with your a Holy Spirit as we serve and witness to the lost and forgotten.

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