Thursday, September 19, 2013

Peace Is groovy!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27 NIV)

The term "Peace" really became important in the 60's along with terms like groovy, psychedelic, far out, etc. the Vietnam war really charged the public like no war ever had, negatively. I am so glad we are past that. We honor our military now and value there commitment to sacrifice their lives for our freedom. The Vietnam War ended, we still haven't seen peace. 

Peace in this world is not possible. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Real Peace is not attainable except through Christ. As I grow older, I am more at peace. My heart is not nearly troubled like it once was. I see a new kind of peace growing inside me. I am not so easily stressed. I'm not worried about what people think of me. I am only worried about what God thinks about me and my life. It's not that I don't care. I'm not carefree. I feel comfortable, at peace, with my day, because it is filled with the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am not afraid of tomorrow, or the next day. God will take care of those days. He has a great track record in my 53 years of life. He has provided in amazing ways. He has never left me or foresaken me. I am blessed. He has brought me through my poor decisions and the troubles of this world. 

Peace is only possible when you give up control of your life to the one who sacrificed his life for you. The peace process begins then and ends with eternal peace at the feet of Jesus.

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