Monday, December 17, 2012

Living in Fear is not living at all!

I know this is my third post dealing with Sandy Hook. There is so much to say about this tragedy and so much pain. I have heard constant talk about what we do to stop this from ever happening again. Arming teachers, building prison like schools, removing kids to be home schooled, stricter gun laws, mental health care overhaul and countless other solutions have been offered. Fear has some people paralyzed and frantic. Everyone of my classes wanted to talk about it. I assured them how very rare theses incidents are and how our faculty and staff are committed to doing everything to protect them. I also encouraged them to NOT live in fear. Do not let evil win by being paralyzed in life. I had similar discussions with some of my fellow educators.

Life living in fear is not life at all.

In reality, as a Christian, if my worst fear is death, I have no fear at all. Because I have been granted eternal life, God alone will choose my death. He alone will determine the time and place. Until then, I will choose to live a life filled with active service for him. I will love and share regardless of the potential pain or even death. I'm not going to carry a gun. I'm not going to change what I do, where i go or who I meet. I will continue to live life for Christ and Will Not Fear Death! If anything, it has become even more apparent that I need to try to save the lost. I need to be an even more vocal and visible witness in a world captured in the grips of fear. I have nothing to fear because of my wonderful Heavenly Father. He has built my permanent home and if I die, even a horrible and senseless death, I get to spend eternity with him. That alone brings joy to my life and overcomes all fear! Praise God I have nothing to fear and eternal life is mine by the grace of Jesus!

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