Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kick the Habit!

1 Peter 4 (The Message)

 1-2Since Jesus went through everything you're going through and more, learn to think like him. Think of your sufferings as a weaning from that old sinful habit of always expecting to get your own way. Then you'll be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what you want.

Sin is a habit. Just like smoking cigarettes or gambling or any other type of addiction. We are addicted to sinning. Our greatest sin is that we want our own way, we want to selfishly satisfy ourselves. That's how all these addictions work. We are selfish and then when hooked, we are are helpless to escape. If you look at our society our greatest addiction is to selfishness. Selfishness leads us to destruction. We don't want to please God, we want to please ourselves.  
So, why is suffering like weaning ourselves from sin? We know that when we suffer we turn to God. Whenever we turn to God and we release our grip on those sufferings or our sinfullness, God will do a good work in our lives. As a matter of fact, whenever we "let go" and let God take over, the results are amazing. So, as Peter implies, suffering is a good thing. Wow! That is so easy to say and so very difficult to believe. But, we have to keep focused on the end result. All of us would love to live out our days "free" to pursue what God wants for us and to defeat our selfish ways. Gods plan is so much more exciting and so much more fulfilling. Jesus knows all about this. He did not think of himself. He followed God's perfect plan and look at the amazing results. 
We need to think like Jesus. How do we learn to think like Jesus? 

Well, here's my advice. Rejoice in your sufferings as a way to draw closer to God. Learn from your suffering. Learn from Jesus how to deal with your suffering. Pray to him for guidance through your sufferings. If we can do this, we will be weaned from the sinful life. We will finally begin to enjoy the Free Life God has designed for us. We can finally kick the habit and live free from the selfish addictions that ruin us.

Dear Lord, Please forgive us for being selfish.  Help us to destroy our sinful selves and to experience the free life you have given us. I love you Lord. I praise you for your patience, kindness, grace, and mercy. 

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