Friday, August 13, 2010


Galatians 6 (The Message)

1-3 Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day's out. Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens, and so complete Christ's law. If you think you are too good for that, you are badly deceived.

Together Everyone Achieves More -- I am not sure who coined this, but I've always liked it.  Of course it's true when you're talking about athletic teams, but it's also true about businesses, churches, families, clubs, organizations, and marriages. But what does it really mean when you work together.  Paul knew what it meant to work together. If you read between the lines, he is saying don't get so caught up in your own righteousness. You could just as easily be the one falling back in sin.  Sometimes we think of ourselves being up on a pedestal.  Stop being so high and mighty and get down to business with those who are oppressed and suffering.  Not only should we reach out to them, we need to make a difference in their lives. Don't just talk about helping. Do something! You never know when YOU could be the one needing help.

When a key player gets injured in an athletic contest, the coach will usually get the rest of the team together and say that someone is going to have to step up to replace the injured player.  Someone is going to have to carry more of the load. It won't work if everyone just keeps doing what they've been doing. What if we looked at our communities in the same way.  What about  our churches, families, workplaces, or marriages.  We often find people who are suffering and need a lift.  Many times it's people we care about deeply.  Sometimes we find we're the one who needs the lift. If one person suffers, we all suffer.  If we work together, all of us will be lifted up and restored. It's easy to be critical instead of help. Stop what your doing and take action. Work together and not against each other.  You are not better than those who need a helping hand.  Maybe you have been blessed so you CAN help.  Be creative don't accept the situation the way it is.  Change it with the help of your creator!

Lord, please help me to be a better member of the team.  Help me to use my resources to help the people I'm in contact with every single day.  Help me to take the blessings you have given me to bless others that need help! We are one in your spirit Lord. Help us to act like it! Amen!

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