Friday, August 12, 2022

Israel 2022 - Reflection #36 - Mount of Olives

The picture above is taken from the Old City of Jerusalem looking across the valley to the Mount of Olives. 

There Mount of Olives has the greatest views of the city of Jerusalem. If you could block out the modern skyline from your mind, you can see why Jesus would have loved this place. It is enough away from the old city to have some time of quiet and yet close enough to venture into the city daily. 

The Mount of Olives is mentioned in 2 Samuel as David is run out of Jerusalem by his son, Absalom. He and his group were in mourning for the events taking place in Jerusalem. Zechariah describes the Mount of Olives as the place of Jesus' second coming:

'On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem.
And the Mount of Olive will split apart, making a wide valley running from
east to west. Half the mountain will move toward the north and half
toward the south. '
Zechariah 14:4

 It also was the place of Jesus' ascension. (Acts 1:9-12) It is fair to say that this place has a significant place in the life of Jesus and his followers. This wonderful place is mentioned 75 times throughout the Bible, mostly related to Jesus and his disciples. The amazing fact is that there are several 2000-year-old Olive trees that stand as witnesses to all these events. As I think about the Mount of Olives and its place in Jesus' life all I can think of is that this was a place of prayer and quiet for Jesus. In Luke 22:39 it says, 

'Then accompanied by his disciples, Jesus left the upstairs room and went as usual to the Mount of Olives." (emphasis added) 

This was that place where Jesus went to speak with his Heavenly Father. This is the place he pleaded with him and eventually submitted to the Father's will. 

Do you have a "GO TO" place where you meet the Heavenly Father?  Do you have a place you often go that is quiet, peaceful, and easily accessible, where you can plead, praise, and talk with the Lord? I would have just loved to spend the day walking, praying, and listening for the Lord's voice when we visited the Mount of Olives. We had so much to see and this was just not possible. 

I can't think of a specific Mount of Olives I have had throughout my life. When I was a young man, Epworth Forest Church Camp was a place I loved to go. It was peaceful and I always felt that place was a place filled with the Holy Spirit. As a young adult and parent, I didn't really have a place. It would have been helpful. Now my favorite place to "meet the Lord" is on my daily walks. I get to do these about three to four times a week. I cannot express the number of times the Lord has filled my walks with his obvious presence. Being older, I always have a middle-of-the-night "wake-up call." I used to hate this time. A couple of years ago, I started praying and listening at this time of the night. It has been wonderful. So, at 3am in the morning, lying in my bed, in some ways it feels like the Mount of Olives. HA! Our lives are so busy, packed with distraction after distraction that keeps us from connecting with Jesus. I have to believe Satan wants it that way. 

I am so thankful for my times with the Lord. I look forward to them often. I wish I would have started this when I was younger. I missed out on so many precious moments. Praise God for the times we get to share now and I look forward to eternity doing the exact same thing. 

The views from the Mount of Olives are amazing. This is looking down into the Temple area. The gold dome is the Dome of the Rock. You can just visualize that area being the place of the Temple. 

What a fun opportunity watching everyone take their turn on THE CAMEL! 

I think we have the same beard and face. Maybe related?

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