In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. 6And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.
James 3:5,6

I have spent most of the week listening to a plethora of political speeches. The Republican National Convention was held this week to finalized the nomination of Donald Trump for president and Michael Pence for vice president. I am greatly impressed with the direction of the party I have supported my entire life. The grand speeches aren't enough. The words have set the entire Republican on fire for this election. Just as the words spoken this past week can direct the future of the election, a few poorly chosen words in the next 3 or 4 months can destroy any good that was generated this week. Words are powerful tools for good or for evil and politicians live and die by the words they speak.
It's not just the politicians that need to be careful of unleashed tongue. We ALL need to show care in the product of our mouth. I'm not talking about political correctness. I have never been one to use a "political correctness" filter. I think the present administration doesn't quite understand the power of the words they speak. The words they speak in trying to protect our minority citizens have incited the same to attack our men and women in blue. Even now they are back pedaling because they realize the impact of the rhetoric. I can do much the same thing via my social media posts or ill-chosen words as I speak to my wife, my daughters, and the rest of my family. We/I could be more sensitive to tone down the rhetoric and choose our/my words wisely.
Lord help us to choose our words carefully. Help us to consult you and your wonderful words before we speak. Help us to serve you not just with our hands and feet, but with the words from our mouths and the words from our heart. Forgive us for the times we don't use your wisdom as we speak. As in all things we can not change without you. Fill us with your Holy Spirit Lord Jesus. Amen!
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