Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The illusion of power

“He frustrates the plans of schemers so the work of their hands will not succeed.”
Job 5:12 NLT. (

I am so gullible. I watched the republican debate last night and was encouraged. I know you think I'm crazy. How can you watch 3 hours of political double talk, avoiding answering questions, meanness, braggadocio and be encouraged.

I sat there messemerized by the thought that my wonderful God is in charge. Through the lies and the schemes to snatch power, he will win. Our world is not in trouble because God is in power. Our country might be attacking my faith, but they do not have the means to defeat us. My God does not need politics. He doesn't need an army, he lacks of nothing. He not only knows the outcome, he created it. 

So, when I hear the pretentious debate of men, I laugh. It's entertaining to watch them dual for the "illusion of power". They literally have none. My God is in charge. He knows where the world is heading and he has given every single person the opportunity to be on the winning side. I am on the winning side. We are victorious! Praise God for his mercy and strength!

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