This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It is great common sense advice. As a Christian, I'm not here to FORCE you to follow Christ. If this doesn't sound like the God you want to serve, don't. You need to shoes for yourself. Everyone chooses to serve a god. Even an atheist who Denys the existence of God, follows his own god. Most worship themselves and they consider themselves gods, in control of their own life. They have a doctrine that puts humans at the center. Some people worship gods like the early Greeks and Romans. They have a different god for all things, winter, summer, work, etc. Some follow a doctrine of doing good, they serve others, and are great people to be around. Many of these people go to church. They "believe" in God, but haven't made the commitment to turning all life over to him.
We all worship something. We make religion of our political beliefs, our science theories, our work, our recreation, and our families. Our beliefs include nothing about God. You can choose. You have the choice. The God I serve has made it that way. That's the irony of ll this.God has designed and granted the very freedom used against him. I recommend you look hard at what or who you serve. Who or what is your God!? You need to go all out serving that go. Don't give that god your second best. If you worship your work, you better dump your family and concentrate on your work, if you believe in the nothingness of life after death, live it up now with all you can. If you believe there is no right and wrong except what is controlled by you, sit down and make sure you know what that is and life life exactly to those beleifs.
In the end, I have chosen to follow God, the one God that sent his son to earth to die for me and my sins. I choose to believe in a single creator of the universe. I choose to believe in the God that sent his word, his plan for our lives in the book we call the Bible. My wife, my kids, my grandkids, and those that are members of my house, we choose to serve that God. Let's compare lives. Let's just compare if that would be possible. But, it's not possible, because my life will continue and yours will not. As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord!
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