Monday, August 5, 2013

It could be my last day on Earth!

“Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. (Mark 13:35, 36 NIV)

What if today was your last day on this Earth? How would you live? I'm guessing most people would not go to work, go on a massive spending spree, or try to strike off all the items left on your bucket list. Many people would just want to spend time with their close family and friends. I googled "Living like today was your last day" and I read some wonderful advice. If we are to live LIKE today were our last, doesn't mean living carelessly. it means living with purpose and passion. If I were to lie like today was my last, and I should, here is what I would concentrate on:

1. Relationships - If I knew today was my last I would make sure all the people I encountered would know I loved and respected them. Stephanie and i have been married 35 years today. My most cherished relationships is that with my wife. spending 3 weeks on a mototcycle isnt the point, three weeks with ONLY my wife, thats the point of my summer vacations. but relatinoships go beyond family. Hate, grudges, jealousy, and differences won't matter if there is no tomorrow. I need to spend less energy on negative relationships, forgive, and forget. I need to loave people even when they are different from me and have different values, goals in life. Sharing Jesus is easy with people who are like me. Sharing with those who are different is not easy and only comes by building positive relationships.

2. Love what you're doing - I load my schedule with frivolous activities. If today was my last, would I want to spend my time doing what I have scheduled today? I love what I do. Teaching kids, riding motorcycles, sharing the love of Jesus. I have always had the theory, if I you don't love what you're doing..........DON'T DO IT! So many people get stuck doing things they hate. God gives us our passions and wants us to pursue them. If you follow Christ and have turned your life to him, he will provide opportunities for you to pursue your passions!

3.Slow down - I love my mornings. I love to quietly complete my devotions, reading the newspaper, and ease into the morning. I love to "piddle" in the garage or water the flowers. Anything i can do without a particular schedule and at my own pace, I love. We need to slow down "live in the moment". I'm not saying live carelessly. Live with awareness of where you are and who you're with. Enjoy the presence of your family, friends, and coworkers. Cherish the time and lie with purpose.

I'm sure this list isn't as extensive as it should be, but I think you get the point. Living today like it is our last means trying to live a life like Christ. Love, relationships, sacrifice, are all Christ like activities we should engage in every single day.

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