Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Green and growing or Ripe and Rotting?

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42 NIV)

Green and growing or Ripe and Rotting?

I can't remember where I heard this saying. I know it was in relation to spiritual growth, but it applies to many areas of our lives. As a teacher, I find it is important to always look at what and how I'm teaching. I need to always ask, is there a better way. How can I do a better job of teaching? When I think I am as good as I can get, I'll begin the process of rotting. I need to realize i dont know everything. i need to be real with my students. They need to know i am forever learning. not only do i not know everything, i never give up the pursuit of knowledge.

As Christians we need to be cautious of the same thoughts. We are sinners and when we think we have arrived at perfection, we are completely wrong. We always need to strain toward perfection realizing we can never get there on our own. We need to devote ourselves to the process of growing, Prayer, Fellowship, Study, Service, and Evangelism. Once we stop doing these things, we will no longer be growing, we will be dying. We need to make sure Non-Christians don't see us as perfect. But, they see us as constantly seeking Gods truth and to always build our relationship with him. We aren't spiritual super heroes, we are weak in faith but mighty in the power of Jesus who saved us. 

We need to be growing, not rotting! 

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