Monday, July 30, 2012

The World Stopped!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9 NIV84)

Do you ever get tired of doing good? I'm not talking about wanting to do something evil. I'm talking about being tired of all the work it takes to be a servant. If you're a devoted follower of Christ, you know the feeling. Serving at church and serving in other ministries along with a job and family can really wear you out. Sometimes it's not the physical labor, but the emotional and spiritual stress that wears you out.

Today, was an emotional day, again. On memorial day weekend, I participated in a motorcycle ride to honor fallen soldier, Jabraun Knox. Honoring someone who made the ultimate sacrifice with his life wears you out. Yesterday, I did it again. This one was even more difficult. I personally knew Army SPC Nick Taylor when I was Athletic Director at South Adams High School. My grandson is best friends with Nick's brother and went to the prom with his sister. Traveling the 40+ miles was an extremely emotional experience.

Leaving the Air National Guard Base in Ft. Wayne and traveling at a respectful 20-30mph was an endurance test for everyone. I am so proud of our communities and this wonderful country. To see the display of patriotisism, and sincere heartfelt respect for Nick was incredible. Every intersection, every home, and every roadside on the route was filled with supporters. This occurred as a crescendo, until its climax in Nick's home town of Berne. Along the way, people who didnt know Nick were weeping. The Amish, who are adamantly anti-war, lined the rural roads to pay respect. Cross County Rival Adams Cenral had their Football team, in uniform along the road. Fast food businesses closed down and the employees lined the streets. The world stopped for a day to show respect for Nick and his family.

I had the great honor to personally witness the arrival of Nick at the base and participated in the flag line for him and his family. I will never forget the day. I will never forget Nick's sacrifice. I was worn  out from the experience, but it's nothing like what this family is going through. Many people had to endure the heat, the slow traffic, and the inconvenience of rerouted traffic. Nick's family would give anything not to have to endure this pain. The leader of the Patriot Guard thanked all the riders who came. He said he hoped he never had to see us again for this purpose.

I agree.

I had to give a special hug and kiss to my grand kids yesterday. It is because of Nick and others like him that my grandkids are guaranteed the freedom to pursue their dreams. I had to say a special prayer for Nicks family. Thank you Jesus for people like Nick and others who sacrifice for us. Please Lord Comfort his family. Help them to cherish his memories and the love they shared.

Thank you Jesus for paying that same price for me!

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