Monday, April 23, 2012

Support Public Education

Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. (1 Peter 2:11, 12 NIV84) I might hurt some feelings with this one. I have worked In public education for nearly 20 years. I can't stand when we get bashed for all that's wrong in the world. It is a growing trend and it gets uglier everyday. Great Christian students with great supportive Christian parents are pulling their kids from public school in increasing numbers everyday. Why? How is this going to help our sinful world? As Chrstians Jesus told us to "GO". He did not tell us to stay to ourselves. Good Christian kids are needed in public schools. We need them to spread the gospel through their words and deeds. We need christian parents to be leaders in the stands at athletic contests. To take Christians out of main stream life through homeschooling or private school is against what Jesus did. He didn't hide with his followers, he went straight to them. Public schools are made up of good Christian teachers who are trying to make a difference. They are on the mission field. They need other workers to make a difference. They are not perfect, neither is the Christian school. Instead of bashing and removing yourselves from this world, inject yourself. You can survive as an alien or stranger. You WILL be used by God in powerful ways. Your kids will be used in powerful ways. Sure it's going to take more prayer to protect your kids. You might have to spend more time talking to them and helping them cope with the sin of this world. It's better to do it now than to throw them to the wolves after high school. Public education offers a lot. Most importantly it offers a chance, for all who follow Christ, to be a light in the darkness. Join the army as a recruiter for God. We need soldiers to fight the battle. Take a position on the front lines and make a difference. Support public education by your prayers and your presence.Get involved to make it a better place!

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