Saturday, February 11, 2012

Free at Last!

Galatians 5

1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Slavery has been abolished for over 146 years in America. So, you might think this verse is meaningless to us today. We may not have slavery as it was early in American History, but we do have slavery. It may even be more prevalent now than it ever has. Are you free to do whatever you want? More importantly, are you free to do whatever God is calling you to do? In our country we have so many people enslaved by their circumstances. Even our own country is a slave to it's debt. How can we be critical of our country's debt problems when many of us have the same problems.

We are slaves to our jobs, our salaries, our homes, our cars, and a multitude of other possessions. We are slaves to things that are not of God, but things that are of this world. Be honest, how many of you, if God asked, could give up our salaried career in service to him. What you possess says more about your heart and relationship with God than what you say.

I am no different than most of you. My finances are getting better. They do not have as big a control on me as they once did. But, I have some distance to go. I find that , more and more, my decisions are made from the heart instead of the desire for more stuff.  The things important to me are centered on God, Family and service to him. As my heart continues to draw closer to God, he is able to remove the shackles and set me free. Thank You Lord!

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