Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm Shy?

2 Timothy 1 (The Message)

 5-7.... God doesn't want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible. 8-10So don't be embarrassed to speak up for our Master or for me, his prisoner. Take your share of suffering for the Message along with the rest of us. We can only keep on going, after all, by the power of God, who first saved us and then called us to this holy work. 

I am certainly not a shy person.  I have a tendency to speak my mind when maybe I should be a little more reserved. I know some kids at school who don't speak two words at one time.  I really can't relate.  It is kind of funny watching them and it is really interesting to watch them grow up and mature.
But, I'm a little embarrassed to say sometimes I'm very shy about sharing my faith. I try to be bold but my sinful human nature gets in the way.  I have been in the middle of a conversation and have stopped dead in my tracks when it comes to talking about my faith or standing up for that faith. I'm as much embarrassed about the hesitation as I am about speaking up. I can't help but think about how people will view me.  You might be surprised about that. After all,  I right about my faith on a blog for everyone to see.  Somehow it's safer doing this than speaking about it face to face. It shouldn't be.
If I stop to think about it, it could paralyze me. My weakness could keep me from acting at all. I need the strength and the power of my God to be able to move on. It is only through his power that I can take even the tiniest step of faith.  I can't rely on my own power, I would be frozen like a statue. I need to be more bold, loving, and sensible! Help me Lord!

Dear Lord, Please forgive me for being shy about you and about the work you have assigned me.  I am weak! Provide me your strength, your boldness, and your wisdom as I take every step of faith.  You are an awesome, powerful, and patient God.  Thank you for your love for me! Amen!

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